Privacy Policy & Disclaimer

RVDSAFE respects your privacy and is committed toprotecting your personal information.RVDSAFEhas published thisPrivacy Policy Statement in order to demonstrate its firm commitment to privacyand to comply with the Privacy Act and the National PrivacyPrinciples.

Collection of Personal and Business Information

Both personal and business information is information fromwhich an individual’s or a business’s identity may be ascertained and confirmed.

The nature of information collected by RVDSAFEcomprises therequired information needed by RVDSAFE to process, package anddeliver an order made on this website.

At all times information given toRVDSAFEshall be with the full consent of the applicant.

Use & Disclosure of Personal Information

Personal or business information provided toRVDSAFE will not be shared with any other third party without the expressconsent of the owner of that personal and/or business information.

Online Credit Card Payment Security

RVDSAFE uses E-Path Gateway to process card payments.

Text Content

Text content on this website iscopyright and may not be re-produced, copied, published either in whole or inpart, without the consent of RVDSAFE.

Graphic Content

Graphic content may not be re-produced, copied, published eitherin whole or in part, without the consent ofRVDSAFE.

Logos & Trademarks

Logos and Trademarks appearing onthis website belong to their respective owners. Their display on this site isfor information purposes and does not indicate, expressly or impliedly, of anyassociation betweenRVDSAFE and the logo and/or trademarkowner.

Image Content Disclaimer

All image content has beenlawfully acquired byRVDSAFE for display on this site through theuse of: online and offline image libraries and similar paid and royalty free imagesupply services with appropriate authority and approvals.Images taken from manufacturer website and published material.

RVDSAFErespects and complies with all copyright laws, therefore, should the copyright of any image on this website be claimed to be inquestion, please immediately contactRVDSAFE.

If you have any questions in relation to our Privacy Policy Statement please don’t hesitate to contactRVDSAFE.

Guarantee / Warranty

Our products come with specific guarantees and warranties, contact us if you would like more information.


Some products may show shipping prices when purchased (i.e. RVDs) in our store however our products vary in size and weight as a result your best option is to contact us for shipping.